As everyone knows, Call of Duty is known for it's notorius campaign and multiplayer game modes, and never fails to disappoint the loyal fans from day one. Call of Duty's campaign is very complex every year and requires skill and knowledge of the game to be sucessful. For example, in Black Ops 3, the campaign revolves around a virus in your characters software since the game is set nearly 50 years in the future, and you have to overcome this virus and dispose of the source in order to complete the game. This can be very entertaining to someone with depression and take their mind off of things.
On the other hand, Call of Duty is known for its violence. Every Call of Duty game is rated M for mature mainly due to the blood and gore that entails. This can be troublesome for an individual that is struggling from self-harm issues, and could give them bad ideas and could lead to unwanted events to occur, so in my opinion, Call of Duty would only be suiting if you stick to the campaign.

Rating: 2, somewhat aggrivating